Pasta Prezzemolo

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Pasta Prezzemolo
Salsiccia Campagnola Piccante

A quick pasta I whipped up entirely from ingredients from Prezzemolo e Vitale in Borough. Like many of my recipes, this is something I thought up as I strolled around looking at what was available, and what I found interesting. The most key components of this dish are the Salsiccia Campagnola Piccante (“spicy farm sausage”) and the Pomodoro Ciliegino Secco – little half-sun-dried sweet cherry tomatoes, which I can already tell will be something I reach for very often – I’m imagining they work well in omelettes, stews, even salads.

The theory of this dish will not win any awards for originality. Sausage, tomatoes, and cheese are staples in any Italian pantry, but this particular sausage, these particular tomatoes, and the aged parmesan available at P&V make for a real flavour punch, and a dish that somehow (as with all dishes involving a sauce) tastes even better the day after. 

I enjoyed this pasta with a a cold (and very large) glass of Planeta La Segreta Il Bianco 2018 – a Sicilian white gifted to me by the owners, which was absolutely on the money as a pairing for this dish – with an acidity and peachyness that went went beautifully with the food.

Pomodoro Ciliegino Secco
Piccadilly tomatoes

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